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Q: Can I find the location of the camp?

A: We do not post the camp's address for safety reasons. Once campers are registered, we then provide the address in the newsletter that comes out before camp, but only to families attending camp. Holly Pines rents Camp Hart, that is why you will see "Holly Pines at Hart"


Q: What are the pick up and drop off times for buses?

A: The times for pick up and drop off change every year and is a process. We need to contact two different school districts and get permission to have a bus stop. Once approved we tell the bus company what the stops will be. An email then needs to be sent to camp families, families pick their bus stop and we report the number of campers at each stop to the bus company.  When all numbers are in the bus company tells us in what order and what times the stops will be. Like I said a process...  :-)

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